Monday, April 20, 2009

Oracle and Sun: Cui Bono?

Well, here’s a hint: it’s not Oracle, “Sun,” Java, or MySQL in the long run.

I’m thinking the Ruby, Python, and PostgreSQL worlds just got a shot in the arm, as this is minor calamity (at least) for Java, and a major one for MySQL. Ironic, since Java maturing like a fine wine and recovering from early-decade blunders; MySQL was already in trouble thanks to Sun.

As for benefits, it’s also not Google, who relies heavily on Java but could eventually find itself in an adversarial relationship with Oracle as enterprise computing moves to the cloud. Google does have enough sheer wo/manpower to exploit the OSS licensing on Java to take it in its own direction if necessary … but is that really a desirable way to go? or one the investors can live with?

I don’t think Microsoft minds this one bit either … since there was nothing that that Java, Oracle, and their communities (and users) couldn’t do before that they can now, while a number of scenarios (Java and open source databases/appservers in the enterprise) suddenly become just a bit murkier.


Jamie said...

IMO this will just accelerate Drizzle adoption when it's ready (later this year?) for general use.

It might also help the Java community to take more ownership of the project, if Oracle turns out not to be a benevolent dictator.

Since this acquisition was Sun's preferred alternative to being bought by IBM, my guess is that IBM would be the one to try and throw money at Drizzle, and to threaten to fork Java if Oracle becomes too troublesome.

Anonymous said...

Since this acquisitionCheap wow gold was Sun's favored choice to getting purchased by IBM, my guess is the real truth that IBM will be the only one to test out and toss cash at Drizzle,Buy rs gold as well as to threaten to fork Java if Oracle gets too troublesome.

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