PDF::Writer is probably the closest thing there is to "the" library for generating PDF docs in Ruby. But there are some other nice, tiny libraries for generating a quick PDF doc, like Ruby FPDF.
The one thing I needed recently from FPDF that it didn't offer was the ability to add an image from a in-memory data blob (the FPDF Image method reads from a file). Making FPDF read a memory stream was a fun bit of Ruby meta-style hackery, which I offer here for streaming images into your PDFs and also as a neat example of how you can usefully and easily change a module's behavior without touching its source code.
The basic plan:
- Since FPDF wants to open a file, and I have a String, StringIO is my friend, since it's very file like.
- Since StringIO doesn't have file metadata, like a filename, and FPDF looks at the filename to decide how to parse the data, I'm gonna need to make StringIO seem like it has metadata.
- Since FPDF uses only the raw Kernel.open, it's looking so a file path. I need to make it a little more cosmopolitan by giving it the Kernel.open in open-uri, which among other things calls open on openable objects. Like StringIO.
- Lastly, since StringIO.open behaves like "new," and I want to pass an object to open that already exists, I need to change the way open behaves.
First, let's make FPDF use the enhanced 'open':
FPDF.module_eval { require 'open-uri' }
Now, we'll define a function that takes a String of binary data and a pretend filename, and produces a hacked StringIO object (description of what's going in is in the comments):
def in_memory_file data, filename
#load up some data
file = StringIO.new(data)
#tell the class that it knows about a "name" property,
#and assign the filename to it
file.class.class_eval { attr_accessor :name }
file.name = filename
#FPDF uses the rindex and [] funtions on the "filename",
#so we'll make our in-memory file object act like a filename
#with respect to these functions:
def file.rindex arg
name.rindex arg
#this same pattern could be used to add other metadata
#to the file (e.g., creation time)
def file.[] arg
#change open so that it follows the formal behavior
#of the original (call a block with data, return
#the file-like object, etc.) but alter it so that
#it doesn't create a new instance and can be
#called multiple times (rewind)
def file.open(*mode, &block)
block.call(self) if block
return self
return file
In this case, I had the FPDF source so I could see exactly what I needed to do. With Ruby, I'm likely to have the source pretty much all the time (unless the classes are pre-compiled to target another VM, e.g. CLR). But an interesting next step is to add hooks/instrumentation to a "black box" library, and use that output to try and make adjustments to the behavior of the library.