Wednesday, October 03, 2007

One Reason Software Development is Such a Malleable Process

This post is the fifth (the others are here, here, here, and here) -- and last planned one -- summarizing and commenting on elements from Steve McConnell's excellent Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art.

At the beginning of Chapter 23, Steve writes:

Philip Metzger observed decades ago that technical staff were fairly good at estimation but were poor at defending their estimates [ ... ] One issue in estimate negotiations arises from the personalities of the people going the negotiating. Technical staff tend to be introverts. [ ... ] Software negotiations typically occur between technical staff and executives or between technical staff and marketers. Gerald Weinberg points out that marketers and executives are often at least ten years older and more highly placed in the organization than technical staff. Plus, negotiation is part of their job descriptions. [ ...] In other words, estimate negotiations tend to be between introverted technical staff and seasoned professional negotiators.
This is a valuable observation in estimation scenarios. It also reminded me of some hand-waving I did about 6 months ago in reply to a comment on this post. I wrote that the reason some industrial process control type procedures fail when applied to producing software is that "There are too many social vulnerabilities -- the software process itself is inherently 'soft' in a group dynamics sense, so it gets reshaped by the org's internal disagreements."

I stand by that comment, but it seemed a bit vague. I think Mr. McConnell's summary of the personalities that push and pull around software commitments is quite helpful. His description clarifies one of the software group's social vulnerabilities. After finding themselves agreeing to a problematic "estimate," engineering groups may be able to make up for their poor performance at the negotiating table by trying to "reroute power from the warp core" ... but we know that statistically, over the long term, that approach fails, leaving chaos in its wake.

What to do? A proverb says that a man representing himself has a fool for a lawyer. I.e., right or wrong, he is likely no match for a trained, experienced legal professional on the other side.

So let's get the software team some representation. Not a lawyer, but an executive advocate, someone with the personality and negotiation skill-set to go to the mat with other parties.

If this person has a good grasp of the technical issues, all the better; if not, he or she can take it offline and come back to the engineering team for a briefing.

Of course, if the engineering group somehow gets the impression that the representative has sold them out, making unauthorized or unreasonable commitments, then we are back at square one.

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